The real piano education in London

The real piano education in London

I arrived in London in 2010. I was a young and enthusiastic musician back then. I had been learning under Bruno Leonardo Gelber for a year. I was able to absorb all the passion and tradition for classical music in Buenos Aires, the Paris of Latin America. Buenos Aires in some ways works like a time machine into a golden age of piano learning. The tradition of Vicente Scaramuzza, the living legends like Martha Argerich, Bruno Gelber, Daniel Barenboim and the opulent and alluring beauty of times now gone, can drive you into a state of extasy. While in Buenos Aires I thought all musicians were the most elegant and interesting beings and I wished I could become one of them. As all fantasies, t rapidly came to an end when I was confronted with real-life and real-world concerns…

Musicians in London behave very differently to those from Buenos Aires. The segregation doesn’t help them to create a truly inspiring community of music lovers. As they are not immersed in one, they obviously can’t motivate students to create one either. For that reason, I decided to become a pioneer in that department.

Since I started teaching, performing and composing in London, I have been working towards creating a wonderful and propelling collegium musicum. Collegium Musicum in the sense of a collegiate, a group of people interested in socializing and reflecting about music.

WKMT is my London classical music oasis. We organize monthly concerts, bi-annual smart music festivals and regular gatherings at my London studio. Each day is a process of discovery. the only way to keep the passion for music alive in my students is to make sure they discover all the ways in which music is enjoyed. Socializing is fundamental. I personally work really hard to keep our students passionate about music and looking forward to relating to each other through music.