Piano Masterclass for early ages.

Piano Masterclass for early ages.

Masterclass opportunities for WKMT students by our Piano teachers.


As Director of WKMT, I am glad of being able to organise great opportunities for my students with my team at our piano studios. In this occasion, our Senior piano teacher specialized in children, we both designed a programme to follow in the Masterclass which is made to reinforce some crucial aspects of their learning such as scales, rhythm and rehearse.

We will gather all around our Grand piano, and one by one they will be passing on the piano rehearsing their pieces. That way they will be able to list to n other students the same age and will create a competitive and funny way of studying. We think this kind of learning opportunity will help them to encourage and get confidence in their performances, and most important, on their progress with the piano.

This piano Masterclasses for children are the result of a previous when we gathered our students, in groups of 7, to perform the pieces selected for our Music Festivals, where they all perform in front of an audience while being recorded. I truly believe this kind of situations put any music students into shape and make them aware of their own mistakes and skills.

Read the full article prepared for the Masterclass on the link aforementioned and do not hesitate to book your kid(s) in our Master classes at WKMT.