Glad to share with you all what it will be my next Haydn piano performance in London this year 2020.

We must confess that the year did not start as we expected, or at least what we hoped for it. But like all, this will have its end, rather sooner than later, for everyone’s good. And for that moment, when everyone is back to normal again, musicians will resume their concerts for us all to enjoy. And so do I.

For that reason, the concert organised by WKMT for March 28th 2020 which was cancelled when the Covid-19 situation got worse than ever, now it has been rescheduled for the 3rd of October 2020.

Same venue, same time. St Cuthbert’s church, Earls Court, London from 6.30 pm.

As part as my personal Haydn project, I will be playing the Haydn piano concerto in F Hob XVIII accompanied by WKMT Ensemble. Most probably, WKMT will add other featured performances, yet to be confirmed.

Hopefully, I can see you all on the 3rd for this special occasion, in which we celebrate the end of this virus, and we will celebrate on the honor of the victims of this fatal illness that hit Europe.

For all the details, click here.