Focusing on tone production
I have recently written an article on how important it is to focus on tone production. During our last festival, where I worked producing the feedback for all the 105 performers, I have noticed how our students overused the pedal. This tendency can be justified as their mean to “hide” their mistakes by applying a “layer” of glare through the pedal.
To improve their “tone” quality, I encourage all our students to initiate their “tone” exploration guided by their teachers. A new artistic world exists concealed within the boundaries of each note. The only thing you need to do is to open your ears to listening to ARSD -attack, release, sustain and decay- of each music-note. Each time you play a note, these four elements come into action and you, as a pianist, can modify them just by paying attention and making decisions based on what you hear.
If you are interested in what I wrote here, please, continue reading about “tone” at